Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Balázs Vass

Ploiești street 23-25
Office 206
400157 Cluj Napoca / Kolozsvár
Qries Qries Qries

balazs.vass [at]
Balázs Vass

CV: I am an Associate Professor at the University Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, Romania, while keeping formal ties with my alma mater, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. Right now, I am working as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at UBB, on my project QoSeRM. I obtained my BSc and MSc in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, respectively, at the ELTE University in Hungary (minor: operations research) and did my PhD in the Future Internet Research Group led by Prof. János Tapolcai at the High-Speed Networks Laboratory (HSNLab), at BME, Hungary. As a postdoc, I was fortunate to work with Senior Research Fellow Gábor Rétvári, also at HSNLab, BME. In 2019, I spent six months visiting Stefan Schmid at the University of Vienna, Austria, David Hay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and Costin Raiciu at the University Politechnica, Bucharest, Romania. Since IEEE INFOCOM 2023, I serve as a TPC member of the conference. In 2024, I received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, and a Romanian national research grant called Young Teams (Tinere Echipe). A more detailed CV can be found here, and some photos here: 1, 2.

Research interests: My research interests revolve around the fundamental and algorithmic problems in networked systems, with an accent to resilience, programmable packet scheduling, and applications of discrete optimization.



Journal, Conference, and Workshop articles in chronological order. Author-versions only! For a BibTeX file, see here, for a version sorted by category (journals, conferences, workshops), see my CV.

Shorts: Short papers and poster/demo papers


Books and Chapters

In the Press

Comming soon (page under construction).

Some Projects received as PI



Talks and Panels

Some talks and slides:

For conference talks, see publications above.

Tech Reports and Miscellany

Note that the following documents are sometimes drafts only or work in progress.

Comming soon (page under construction).



Community, Boards, and Services


Reviewer (Conferences):

WINS 2025, etc.

Reviewer (Journals):

IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN), IEEE Access, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), HTE Infocommunications, etc.

Postdocs and Students

I am fortunate to be working on my grants with very talented researchers and students, in particular:


PhD students:

Student workers: Attila Dobai-Pataky, etc.

Student awards under my supervision at the Scientific Students' Contest (TDK/OTDK):


Comming soon (page under construction).